Autism Acceptance Month

Hello Fields Center Community,

     As many of you probably know, April is generally regarded as Autism Awareness or Autism Acceptance Month. Autism Awareness Month, initially established to shed light on autism spectrum disorder (ASD), has undergone a profound evolution into Autism Acceptance Month, reflecting a shift in societal attitudes and understanding towards neurodiversity. While Autism Awareness Month served as a platform to raise general awareness about ASD, it often focused on deficits and challenges associated with the condition. However, as awareness grew, so did the recognition of the unique strengths and perspectives autistic individuals bring to society. This led to a broader movement advocating for acceptance, inclusion, and accommodation rather than mere awareness.

     Autism Acceptance Month emphasizes celebrating the diverse experiences and talents of autistic individuals, promoting understanding, empathy, and support for their needs within communities and institutions. This evolution represents a crucial step towards fostering a more inclusive and respectful society for all individuals, regardless of neurodevelopmental differences. So happy Autism Acceptance Month everyone! No matter who you are or how autism impacts your life, you are accepted by us!

– Jenn B.