Testimony: Finally Finding People Who Understand

It can be hard to find a place where neurodiverse children can express themselves in ways that feel natural, soothing, safe, and fun. Often these behaviors are considered taboo or inappropriate by people who don’t understand. That’s why we created our Sensory Social Group, a set time for children to come together and just be children- in whatever way that means for them! Below is a letter from a member of our social sensory group with a nonverbal, neruodiverse child who reached out to tell us about her experience finally being around other parents who understood:

[My daughter] was in absolute heaven this past Saturday. The play group was amazing! The whole set up was amazing! Like, me and my mom were blown away, truly. We feel like we’ve even noticed a change in [her] since last Saturday: she’s more outgoing and even more up for an adventure, it seems. She literally had the best time of her life on Saturday. Pure joy. She was literally dancing with happiness.

And as a parent, it was so wonderful to be in a judgement-free, safe zone. To be around other parents who understood or who weren’t giving mean looks or asking things like why can’t [she] talk or why does she mouth every toy? I find the hardest part almost to be the judgment and unkindness from other parents and kids who are neurotypical.

Thank you so much again!

– Rose

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